Carrot Tops

Recipe: Carrot Top Pesto

from Our Crew Member Allie!

Per Allie: “This can work for any greens really. I also like to switch around the nuts also to play with flavors (and what my pantry has)” 


1lb carrot tops (about 2 very full cups mashed down - sometimes the stems can be really woody, if this is the case, cut them higher up so its more leafy - it can mess with your food processor and creates a not so great texture) 

1/2 - 1 cup of oil ( I like to use a mix of olive oil and avocado oil - for me full olive oil is too strong)

2 -3 cloves of garlic, peeled

1/2 cup almonds (walnuts would also be good)

salt (to taste but probably 1 - 2 tsp depending on if your nuts are salted or not)


Add garlic, almonds, and greens to food processor. Turn on and drizzle in oil. After it starts to get pasty. Stop, mix and taste. Add salt and more oil as needed. Continue processing until it's smooth and everything is blended. Tastes delicious right out of the processor but even better after having a chance to mingle. Use for dressings, toss in pasta, spread on toast. Honestly it makes every dish a little happier!

Recipe: Anything Goes Green Sauce

A Farm Favorite

Think of this pesto-like sauce as a way to use up carrot tops, fennel fronds, radish greens, hearty greens, extra garlic, and other things lurking in your crisper. Your palate is the only limit!

1 cup packed greens and/or herbs
1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, or sunflower seeds
1 large clove of garlic
2 tbs lemon juice

Add all ingredients to a food processor or blender and blend until the oil is emulsified and the sauce looks uniform.

Toss with pasta or roasted veggies, mix into mayo for sandwiches, stir a dollop into scrambled eggs, add a couple tsp to salad dressings, or incorporate into hummus to sneak some greens into the picky eaters in your family. Make in large batches and freeze!